7.2 Store Language


Go to Store -> Store Language or use Ctrl+L shortcut.

Store language

Current section allows you changing default store language used by Store Manager into the other one (in case operate with the multilingual store).

Store language

You can also download the necessary language package to Store Manager for OpenCart.

Choose Preferences’ -> Settings - >‘Localization’ section.

In Localization' form you’ll see a list of available languages and percentage of their translation.

Press 'Activate Selected Language' button.

For example, in order to install French, you need to click on the 'Download' button.

If the translation of the selected language isn't 100% completed, you’ll see the notification about it. To confirm your consent press ‘Yes’.

When you’ve downloaded the language, press an Activate Selected Language’ button.

After these steps the language will be automatically changed to the selected one (in our case it’s French):