3.8 Attributes section


Attributes section allows to create new, edit and delete selected ones, export existing attributes to a separate file.

Attributes section

To perform these actions you should use the main toolbar of the Attributes area in Store Manager.

Attributes toolbar

Attributes section represents the form divided into two panes:

- the left one - attribute groups area

- the right one - attributes area.

In order to create the new attribute and attribute group click on the 'Add new' button from the top toolbar of both area and the following form will appear:

Add new options

You should specify the attribute name or attribute group name in the Data tab.

The content tab has some differences:

- in the attribute group area - the one field to specify - 'Sort order':

Sort Order column

- in the attributes pane - there are two fields in the Content tab: attribute group and sort order:

Attributes area content tab

Adding the 'Sort order' is not mandatory. This option affects on the placement of attribute in the list of multiple attributes of a particular product.

'Edit selected record' option

Edit selected attribute group

calls the same form as for 'Add new' one, where you can change the current attribute name, assign it to the another attribute group and appoint other position numbers of the item in the multiple attributes' list.

To facilitate the way of displaying attributes data, you can use the corresponding button on the toolbar and choose, which fields you want to be shown on the attributes page.

Columns for Preview

If you have a certain amount of attributes data and want to keep them separately - you can move all your data from this section to a file of the following formats: HTML, XML, txt, CSV, xls, and xlsx by using the 'Export Grid' option.

Export grid

The filter option of the Attributes section has two conditions: you can easily filter your attributes by 'Show all' and 'Filter by selected group(s)' parameters:

Attributes filter

For more information about the basic operations with attributes in Store Manager for OpenCart, you can follow this link.

By eMagicOne Inc.