How to make the product price discounted on the Front-End

To be able to add the discounted price to the product and reflect it in the store's site, choose the product from the Products list and open the 'Special price' tab.


For example, we highlighted the product with the base price - 11.91$. Let’s offer such item to the customers with the reduced price in 10.99$ till the end of the current month:

Special Price in Lower Product Grid

Press ‘Apply’ button to save the changes.

'Apply' button

You will see the following updated information on the product’s page at the store:

Discounted price on the FrontEnd

You can see the discounted price is reflected on the foreground with the main price which is cross-outed.

It makes possible to set up the additional offers to purchase the product with the discount. For example, if the customer wants to buy two or more product units, the total of the purchase will be discounted and equals to 9.90 per item. In practice, this will be as follows:

- open 'Discount' tab in the Lower Product Grid;

- configure the price value and quantity from which the current offer will be activated;

specify values in Discount tab

- press 'Apply' option to keep the entries.

Discount tab

You will see the special offer specified at the current tab in the Front-End of the store:

Sale offer on the Front-End

Contact us to get more information and help regarding the discounted price of the store products.

By eMagicOne Inc.